Today Google celebrates St. Basil's Cathedral as google logo, though known to everyone as the St Basil's, a legendary building was officially called the "Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary by a moat." Referring to a popular alternative Basil the Blessed, 'holy fool' who was buried in a Moscow site (at the Trinity Cathedral that once stood here) a few years before this building was established.

how the history of St. Basil's Cathedral, the Cathedral was ordered by Ivan the Terrible to mark the 1552 capture of Kazan from the Mongols. It was completed in 1560. That's pretty much all that is known about the original historical landmark celebrated. There are, however, a number of legends. Nothing is known about the builders, Barma and Postnik Yakovlev, unless their names are and dubious legend that Ivan had them blinded so they could not create anything to compare. Historians unanimously declared that this is just urban folklore.

This cathedral is very captivating charm, Specialist architecture to this day can not agree on a set of ideas behind the structure. Either the creators are paying homage to the churches of Jerusalem, or, by building eight churches across nine centers, they represent a symbol of medieval eight-pointed star. The original concept of the Intercession Cathedral has been hidden from us under a layer of style and the addition of new churches added to the main building. In fact, when built, the Cathedral was all white to match white stone Kremlin, and the onion is golden dome rather than multi-colored and patterned like now.
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America, Keith Martin.
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